Identifier IBD028362
Title Boko Haram/ISWAP Mine Explosion, Borno
Description Two civilian JTF commanders and 4 lieutenants were killed in a mine explosion. The General Commander of Gambarou, Bukar Goni, and the Commander in charge of Ngala area, Malam Cede were among the people who died when they encountered the Improvised Explosive Device (IED) buried by the roadside by suspected Boko Haram members.
Start date 2023-11-09
End date 2023-11-09
Duration 1 Day(s)
Place Ndufu
Number of death(s) 6
Number of death(s) according to police NaN
Number of death(s) according to press 6
Protagonists islamic groups, other governmental security forces
Causes of violence political issue, religious issue
Sources of information Daily Trust (6 )
LGA Ngala